The self-pity and the suffering is a buffer we want to conceal the pain with. Today we all put up walls of trust and denial of the pain of existing in this world. But we are here to remind ourselves that there are no more doubts in our future. We can't live our lives in the shadows anymore. The pain may be so real that we can't breathe it anymore. It consumes our every day life and sucks us back in. We still have to live in this life and co-exist on this plane. We all know that this body is just a shell to live in until we go Home on the other side what ever that may be to you.
In the book so far we have written ten chapters. Touched by the pain and emotional upheaval of our beloved characters, they are human just like us. They have deep emotional pain that haunts them the rest of their life and still have to live with the consequences of their actions. Isn't it time we faced up to ours and remember to make the most out of lives? I have to remind myself of that and get myself out of the fog of misery. We deserve that much respect to live and learn as much as possible not just for ourselves but as well as others. No doubts will soon be our lesson's learned and start living our life to its own. This may be our only chance to get it right because you may not get another one!
This post really touched home for me. Recently I had to make a major change in my life. Currently I'm in limbo until I make the next necessary move. I had to do this because I was suffering to the point that I could not function. This is no way to live. Misery is no longer my company.