As the drama unfolds in Seasonal Bliss: The Spring Vacation, a lot of heartache and love will be tested. Celina, our beloved Melanie's mother, will be forced to make the ultimate decision. Her life begins to rock and collide as she will head into the depths of despair and depression. To her, Celina will question her sanity and wonder if she's really worthy of love. Ashleigh, her best friend and mother to Sophie, will comfort her and be her aide to Celina's side. Love will bloom once again to our beloved character.
You want to read more on this story, please visit and read our exclusive notes for more details. The book's juicy and delectable! It will hook and draw you into a world full of drama, love, and humor. Hope to see you there!
Today, I can say I truly love, accept and trust myself completely. I know that I'm capable of such love. I'm glad to have meet my partner and to receive love in return. I was too busy looking on the outside image than to see my own inner beauty. My mind's a little insane, but who wouldn't be after all the pain and heartache I've been through? Worthy of love today and always is just a reminder that we're all frail and sensitive with other emotions just makes us human!!
This post really touched me. Like you, I've been through a lot of harsh drama in my life. It seems to go on. Many times I questioned what was wrong with me. Aren't I likeable? Now I'm in a situation where I'm pulling my head out and again questioning myself. Good news is that I'm no longer alone. I have found good supportive people who have share similar pains. These people are my cheerleaders and are helping me embrace myself as the beautiful person I've always been.